Throughout its projects, TVIRD has continued to integrate sustainable business practices into its core strategies, striving to achieve the delicate balance between economic growth, social well-being, and environmental protection. The TVIRD ESG Report outlines the company’s key initiatives and progress in various areas, including but not limited to:

  • Environmental Stewardship: TVIRD recognizes the importance of preserving the natural environment for future generations. This report details the company’s efforts in responsible resource management, reforestation initiatives, waste reduction, and biodiversity conservation.
  • Social Responsibility: As a responsible corporate citizen, TVIRD remains deeply committed to supporting the communities where it operates. This responsibility showcases the company’s community development programs, education and healthcare initiatives, and endeavors to empower local stakeholders.
  • Governance and Ethics: strong corporate governance and ethical practices are crucial for long-term sustainability. The report outlines TVIRD’s governance framework, compliance measures, and commitment to upholding ethical standards.
  • Health and Safety: The well-being of its workforce and stakeholders is of utmost importance to TVIRD. The report highlights TVIRD’s measures to ensure a safe and healthy work environment across all its operations.
  • Economic Impact: TVIRD believes that responsible business practices should also contribute positively to the local and national economies. The TVIRD Sustainability Report presents insights into the company’s economic contributions, local employment opportunities, and procurement practices.

By undertaking this transformative journey towards transparency and accountability TVIRD seeks to fortify the foundation of trust and active engagement with its valued stakeholders. Its commitment extends to investors, partners, customers, employees, and the wider community with whom it shares the collective responsibility for the environment and society at large.

TVIRD’s 6 Purpose-Driven Social Development Programs

TVIRD’s 6Ps is a comprehensive set of purpose-driven social programs comprised of diverse initiatives to foster positive change and transformative mining – all geared towards achieving a sustainable future.

Each purpose plays a vital role in addressing specific needs and challenges, collectively working towards a more inclusive, empowered and self-sufficient community.

Purpose 1: Poverty Alleviation at its Core

This purpose seeks to alleviate poverty by implementing targeted programs that improve the economic conditions of marginalized individuals and communities. This aims to promote equitable incomeincrease access to livelihood opportunities and provide essential resources for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through collaboration, quality of life improvement and the economic stability promotion.

Purpose 2: People/Social Investment

This purpose is a commitment to the long-term well-being of society and its people by investing in education, livelihood, healthcare and infrastructure in order to build human capital, enhance social services and create an environment where people can thrive. This purpose recognizes that sustained development requires an ongoing investment in the social fabric of communities.


Purpose 3: Partnership and Social Empowerment

This Purpose aims to empower individuals and communities to take control of their future. Education, training, competency enhancement and community engagement initiatives foster self-sufficiency and active collaboration in decision-making.  It also seeks to equip empowered communities to address their complex challenges and contribute to their development.

Purpose 4: Preservation of Cultural Tradition and Values Formation

This purpose is a commitment to preserving societal diversity and fostering a harmonious community united by shared core values and principles.  It contributes to forging a society that is economically empowered and firmly rooted in guiding principles that steer its actions – which in turn, enables the community to contribute to the mission of “multiplying the bread” by optimizing resources and creating sustainable and inclusive growth for all.

Purpose 5: Promotion of Environmental Stewardship

This purpose is dedicated to fostering a sense of environmental stewardship within the community.  It recognizes the inherent value of the environment, not just as a resource, but also as a vital component of one’s local identity and ecological well-being. This purpose seeks to instill in the community a deep sense of connection and appreciation for the nature.  It aspires to pass on a protected natural legacy and a culture of love and respect for our surroundings to those who will inherit it.

Purpose 6: Protection of Human Rights, Security, Health, and Safety

This protects human rights and promotes security, health, and safety.  It advocates the rights and dignity of all individuals and prioritizes their physical and mental well-being. By creating a safe and secure environment, this purpose establishes the necessary foundation for sustainable development.
