TVIRD’s Agata garners high TSHES scores and remains “the gold standard”

Metro Manila, Philippines / June 2022 – “In the country’s dynamic extractives and mineral development industry, going for mere compliance is simply not enough.  Today’s mining companies are now measured by how closely they adhere to excellence – and so Agata takes daily strides in line of this pursuit.

Agata Mining Ventures Inc., a nickel laterite joint venture project of TVI Resource Development Philippines Inc. (TVIRD) and MRL Nickel Philippines Inc., once again successfully garnered high scores in the recently concluded Tenement, Safety, Health, Environment and Social Development (TSHES) Audit initiated by the DENR’s Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office XIII last month.

The TSHES Audit Team was composed of the highly qualified members from MGB Region XIII: Elicito S. Escuyos for the Social Development component, Roland Joie Geli for the Safety and Health component, Darius M. Wenceslao and Shaira Irica D. Barol for the Tenement component, and Enjie G. Pacillos-Canete for the Environment component.

High priority

The company’s success in the recent audit is testament that it takes compliance seriously and holds its environmental priority in the highest regard.  It also highlighted Agata’s preparedness in organizing the necessary documents, requirements and evidence to support its achievements, daily operations and implementation of mandated laws.

MGB 13 stated that Agata remains “the gold standard of compliance amongst its counterparts in the mining capital of the Philippines, the Caraga Region,” as the agency concluded the audit and released no significant negative findings.

Good track record

As early as seven years ago, Agata has participated in the audit pioneered as MGB’s innovative “score card” process – a new, law-based validation method that serves as basis for the team to draw conclusions and recommendations in the area of TSHES.  Moreover, these new score cards are composed of standards and legal provisions that correspond to a points-based system to rate each company’s performance.

Agata received positive feedback in the random audit of mining companies in the CARAGA Region and was commended by the agency’s 2015 auditing team.  The audit was conducted through the MGB’s Mining Environment and Safety Division (MESD), which is mandated to oversee the development and nationwide implementation of SHES components for mining and quarrying companies.

The activity also marked the first visit of the central office team in Region XIII to carefully assess if mining companies are strictly following government guidelines in properly managing their respective programs.

The team commended AMVI for being vigilant in complying with the requirements set by the MGB and was happy to see several positive practices and programs being implemented by the company.

As for the succeeding audits, they hope to see the company implement all the recommendations of the TSHES Audit Team and continue its current record – and even positively exceeding expectations in the promotion of responsible mining practices.

Key AMVI officers presented their respective data on the company’s health and safety programs, environmental management initiatives and Social Development Management Program (SDMP).

The team thoroughly examined AMVI’s facilities, structures, procedures and protocols, safety equipment, first-aid supplies and medicines. It also looked into the company’s emergency preparedness procedures and emergency response training programs.

Also appraised were AMVI’s environment protection and mitigation measures as well as SDMP implementation and accomplishments that benefit its host and neighboring communities.  The resulting data was finally consolidated into a final report and recommendations for the company.


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