38 motorized and 33 paddle boats set local fishermen on course to greater livelihood opportunities

Tubay, Agusan del Norte / August 2018 – In fulfilment of its Social Development Management Program (SDMP) for 2018, Agata Mining Ventures, Inc. (AMVI) provided an extra boost to local livelihood by contributing new motorized pump boat engines and paddle boats to three of its host fishing communities in Barangays Lawigan, Tagpangahoy and Tinigbasan of this municipality.

To date, fishing is an inherited trade of the coastal community, which engages in daily fishing activities as their main source of livelihood as well as food for their families. Each of the households in the community has about four to eight members.

In a handover ceremony led by Agata General Manager Emilio T. Figueroa III and Community Relations Officer Jonathan Bañez last month, the company completed the delivery of 38 pump boat engines and 33 paddle boats that will benefit more than 180 fisherfolk household-members in the three fishing villages.

The pumpboat engines were received by Tagpangahoy Barangay Captain Neilmar Mangmang, members of the Barangay Council and officers of the Tagpangahoy Fisherfolks Association (TFFA), while the paddleboats were turned-over to Lawigan- Sua Fisherfolks and Farmers Association (LASFFA) Officers and Members in Barangay Lawigan.

“We truly appreciate the company’s concern for our needs, especially the source of livelihood of our community. In addition to jobs provided for our constituents, they (Agata) also provided a better opportunity to support our main source of livelihood, which is fishing,” Mangmang said.

Beyond mining

Miralyn Pilar, former chairman of the TFFA, also added that the presence of Agata in their community has improved their economic situation.  “We can send our children to school – up to college – our school facilities are better, and we are given new skills that bring us better opportunities,” according to Pilar.

GM Figueroa likewise encouraged the communities to plan for the long-term and beyond the life of the Agata mine: “We in Agata encourage you to strive.  Think of more initiatives that the company can support.  Mining may not be forever but Agata’s legacy will live on in a stronger, economically-stable community.”

Meantime, the company is preparing another batch of paddle boats to be given to the next batch of beneficiary fishermen.

Expanding opportunities

Locals get excited every time foreign vessels arrive at the Agata port in Tubay, mainly due to the ships’ strong lights that attract the fish.  Fisherman Alberto Soliva, 45 years old, shares that every time these huge 50-million ton vessels anchor themselves, they “always have the opportunity of catching fish easily at night.  We always have a bigger catch.”

The new set of pump boat engines can also bring them farther out to sea.  Ricardo Dollera, 48 years old, was a recipient of the first batch of engines provided by Agata two years ago.  “These engines are really durable and dependable. Until now, it still serves me both for fishing and other personal purposes like transporting goods and ferrying my family to Butuan City.”

A fisherman normally earns more than Php500 a day with the use of an engine-driven pumpboat for fishing since it can go farther and return faster while their catch is still fresh. They can also make more than one trip out to sea whenever the weather permits.

Likewise, a typical paddle boat can earn a fisherman at least Php200 a day.  Most Tubaynons have not been fishing daily since they have old and risky boats.  Now with the arrival of the new paddleboats, they are assured and confident to venture out every day.

Grassroots development

Earlier, Mines and Geosciences Bureau (Caraga) Regional Director Roger De Dios directed mining companies to allocate a bigger percentage of their approved SDMPs to fund sustainable livelihood interventions for the beneficiary communities.  De Dios made the pitch for beneficiary communities within mining areas during the Caraga Business Forum last July in Surigao City.

No less than President Rodrigo Duterte, in his 2018 State of the Nation Address, underscored the responsibility of mining companies to develop their immediate communities, help the people, and take the lead in managing the environment.

Agata aligned itself to the President’s mandate.  Since 2016, the company has maximized its SDMP to provide support for livelihood development in its host and adopted communities.

Moreover, Agata ushered the Community Resource Development Program (CRDP) – which it co-developed with the communities in order to embark on a common development roadmap that is both meaningful and sustainable.

Agata is a joint nickel laterite DSO project of TVI Resource Development Philippines Inc. (TVIRD) and MRL Nickel Philippines Inc. The company has obtained an ISO Environmental Management certification and is a consistent Presidential Mineral Industry Environmental Awardee since its exploration stage.


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