AMVI distributes medicines and conducts health awareness program for host inland barangays

Santiago and Jabonga, Agusan del Norte / February 2017 – Agata Mining Ventures Inc. (AMVI), joint venture company of TVI Resource Development Philippines Inc. (TVIRD) and MRL Nickel Philippines, concludes a favorable year with its continued drive to keep its communities in the pink of health via its donation of medicines to inland barangays.  As 2016 marked several milestones in AMVI’s history – top-billed by its recent ISO 14001 certification – the company makes good on its ongoing commitment to uplift the health and welfare of its beneficiaries within its Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) area in the municipalities of Tubay, Santiago, and Jabonga of this province.

The company’s allied departments – led by Communications, Community Relations and Safety – turned-over much-needed medicines to Barangays E. Morgado, La Paz, Tagbuyacan and Colorado where more than 600 households will benefit from the availability of medical supplies.

Agata’s service to its communities

AMVI’s yearend medical donation is a company-wide effort towards disease prevention and support for community-based emergency response teams (ERTs) at the barangay level.  ERTs established and organized by the company will now have enough first-aid medicines in times of emergency.

During the handover, barangay officials in charge of health and sanitation were oriented by AMVI Nurse Izette Lim as the donated medicines were mostly intended to prevent the spread of diseases by providing proper nutritional supplements as well as to prepare for possible first-aid cases and other related cases.

The orientation also covered the establishment of protocols such as the need for patients to consult with Barangay Health Workers and show prescriptions for dosage requirements.  The succeeding dialogue also revealed that most children and residents are sick with colds, fever, and coughs due to the ongoing rainy season.

On their part, Community Relations staff also emphasized that the proper distribution of medicines to every patient should be observed for safety, monitoring of medical cases and a comprehensive inventory of the corresponding medicines prescribed – which are adequately provided by AMVI.

Finally, Communications Officer Julius M. De Villa, who is also a fitness trainer, emphasized the awareness on how to stay healthy through proper nutrition, physical exercise and avoiding unhealthy habits.

Health and welfare

Earlier, AMVI and Sociedad Española de Beneficencia Inc. (SEB-Manila), a charitable institution dedicated to the care of both Spanish and Filipino indigents in the country, conducted the first leg of its humanitarian missions for the benefit of the company’s host community in Tubay, Agusan del Norte this year.

In addition to medical services, the company added a dental component to the mission, upon the request of community members from the coastal barangays of Lawigan, Tinigbasan, Tagpangahoy and Binuangan for whom the mission was conducted.

The mission benefited close to 800 participants who availed of free medical and dental consultations, check-ups, medicines and tooth extractions.  The common health issues addressed by the mission include urinary tract infection, hypertension, acute respiratory infection, upper respiratory tract infection, muscle spasms, skin diseases, arthritis and various gastro-intestinal problems along with a considerable number of cases of tooth decay.

In addition to medicines, SEB-Manila also provided vaccines, antibiotics and vitamins while AMVI procured the necessary dental supplies as part of its Social Development and Management Program (SDMP).

Now at the height of its operations, AMVI has achieved back-to-back Titanium Awards from PMIEA – the country’s highest award-giving body for the mining industry.  It has likewise attained its ISO 14001:2004 Certification and numerous recognitions from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and Provincal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO) for its environmental and safety practices.


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