Agata and Sociedad Española conduct follow-up mission in Barangay E. Morgado

Santiago, Agusan del Norte / December 2014 – Following its first joint medical mission in Agusan del Norte coastal barangays of Tinigbasan and Lawigan in Tubay Municipality that provided check-ups, consultation and medicines to some 554 beneficiaries, Agata Mining Ventures Inc. (AMVI) and Sociedad Española de Beneficencia Inc. (SEB-Manila) conducted the second and final leg of its barangay medical missions for year last December 18 – this time in adjacent Barangay E. Morgado in Santiago Municipality.  AMVI is a mining joint venture led by TVI Resources Development Philippines Inc. (TVIRD) in Tubay, Santiago and Jabonga while SEB-Manila is a charitable institution dedicated to the care of both Spanish and Filipino indigents in the country.

Volunteer doctors from the Philippine National Police (PNP) once again joined AMVI’s medical team in providing medical attention to some 338 beneficiaries within the company’s Mineral Processing Sharing Agreement (MPSA) area.  The activity was likewise supported by the barangay council of E. Morgado, Santiago Municipal Police and the PNP Region XIII in Caraga.

“We are very happy that AMVI fulfilled its promise to conduct a medical mission for Brgy. E. Morgado in December as well as the continued support and assistance that it constantly provides to us,” expressed E. Morgado Barangay Captain Lucita Estrada during the event. As one of the mining company’s host municipalities, Santiago’s constituents include both tribal and non-tribal communities – most of whom do not have access to adequate healthcare.

The advent of social services

E. Morgado is an agricultural community that has limited access to social services and adequate health care. It is located between a mountain and a river and is geographically difficult to access.  By nature, similar communities often face the same geographic challenges.  Mining companies likewise operate mostly in the hinterlands that government services have yet to reach.

During the year, AMVI has actively rolled-out its Health and Sanitation initiatives in the area – following the best practices of TVIRD’s Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) in its flagship Canatuan project in Zamboanga del Norte.  This is in active response to the need for better public health in its host communities.

“The Santiago Municipal Police is very happy to support AMVI and its joint medical mission partner, Sociedad Espaňola de Beneficencia, in providing much needed healthcare to communities in our municipality,” said Santiago PNP Chief Ernesto Telano

“The highest recorded health issue is Respiratory Tract Infection, which affects most of the beneficiaries both young and old,” added Telano.

Just like the previous mission, other health issues like urinary tract infection, hypertension, skin diseases, tension headaches, muscle spasms, arthritis and various gastro-intestinal problems, among others were also addressed.  SEB-Manila provided all the required medicines for both medical missions, including vaccines, antibiotics and vitamins

Other social programs

On a yearly basis, AMVI has been conducting supplemental feeding programs, the repair and construction of school buildings, churches and public infrastructure and other social development programs that contribute to the overall sustainability of communities in the area.

“As AMVI brought its operations on stream in 2014, we foresee that our roll-out of social development programs will also gain in momentum in the coming year.  The company also expects to reach more beneficiaries and provide them not only healthcare but also a thriving livelihood program as well as a safe and sustainable environment,” according to AMVI Corporate Communications Director Kaycee Crisostomo.


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