Subanon youths learn that safety is essential to sustainable development

Since it began its gold and silver mining operations in Canatuan in mid-2004, TVI Resource Development Philippines, Inc. (TVIRD) has held the distinction of having maintained an excellent safety record, with no untoward incidents involving life or property for three straight years. In the hope of extending its winning streak in the area of safety management to its impact communities, the Company recently sponsored a four-day live-in skills training and Disaster Management and Basic Life-Saving Techniques for Subanon youths residing in areas around the TVIRD facility in Siocon, Zambonga del Norte.

Young Subanon ladies learn how to use the fire hose. If disaster strikes, these youths will be ready.

The training sought to provide the participants knowledge in safety and property management, as well as in disaster mitigation; and to lay the groundwork for the establishment of a barangay-based Disaster Response Organization.

A total of 42 Subanon youth-delegates coming from barangays (counties) Siay, Tagaytay Pisawak, M. Francisco, Tibangao, Matiag, Malipot, and Poblacion graduated from the training, which included first aid, basic fire fighting techniques, and field training exercises. The modules were facilitated by the Davao-based Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (DART) Foundation Inc., headed by Absalon Alcorin, as well as by the Siocon Bureau of Fire Protection under Fire Marshall Wilfredo Pasquil. Alcorin and Pasquil were supported by TVIRD’s Safety Department, and Community Relations and Development Office (CReDO).

A hands on training on CPR. Imparting disaster management skills with the IPs is not just sharing knowledge with them. It’s also partnering with them.

“The protection of everyone should begin in preventive action,” Thess Limpin, CReDO manager, said. “Thus we have to clearly understand the standards of Disaster Management. This is what we want to impart to our young participants. We believe the promotion of safety skills is an essential prerequisite to sustainable development.”

For his part, TVIRD Safety Manager Abe Dotimas said that the involvement of neighboring communities is an indispensable part of safety management. “By imparting to them disaster prevention and management skills, we are not just sharing knowledge with them but, more importantly, we are making them our partners in safety,” he explained.

The nucleus of the soon-to-be-organized barangay-based Disaster Response Organization in Siocon.

“As TVIRD prepares for the operation of its Copper-Zinc Project, expected to commence in early 2008, the Company will continue to inculcate safety consciousness not only to its employees, but to all its critical stakeholders as well,” Dotimas continued. “Knowledge and skills on disaster mitigation are things we would rather not use, but they provide everybody a great sense of security, knowing that when – God forbid – an untoward incident does occur, the Company and its partner communities will be ready.” (Rene Patangan)

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