Agata employees conduct massive clean-up of Payong-payong’s coastline  

Tubay, Agusan del Norte/ October 2020 – In line with this year’s theme, “Safe Oceans Start At Home,” employees of Agata Mining Ventures Inc. (AMVI), contractor personnel and members of the local community participated in the company-led coastal clean-up activity – an initiative conducted in commemoration of International Coastal Clean-Up Day in Sitio Payongpayong of its host Barangay Tinigbasan.

ICC is organized by Ocean Conservancy whose 2020 slogan is “Achieving a trash-free Coastline. Agata supports its global observance every year.

During the activity, participants collected over half a ton (557.2 kg) of waste and other debris caused by recent intermittent weather in the area.  The top pollutants are assorted plastics – bottles, caps and food wrappers – as well as cigarette butts.   The collected material along Payong-payong’s 460-meter coastline are further subdivided into biodegradable waste (368 kg), recyclable waste (116.7 kg) and residual waste of (72.5 kg).

The activity was spearheaded by Agata’s Environment Department, which shored-up 71 attendees, including members of the Tinigbasan Farmers and Fisherfolks Association (TIFFA).  Meantime, the recorded data of the event was submitted to the official website of the ICC as an official entry promoting ocean conservation.

A holistic approach

“Agata knows that water is critical to mining operations and it cannot be taken for granted. The company strongly believes in corporate accountability – committing itself to protect and preserve its water resources through the creation of projects aligned with its Ridge-to-Reef approach,” said Environment Manager Jessalyn Guingguing.

The company’s Ridge-to-Reef approach is a collective system of transformative and outcome-driven programs that aims to protect the environment, demonstrate sustainable approaches and manage coastal areas to ensure livelihood and the ecosystem’s resilience.

“We practice diverse approaches and strategies, support and conduct training and awareness campaigns on water protection.  We also involve our communities in monitoring our company’s water performance and have made a commitment that we intend to deliver,” Guingguing added.

Several measures have already been established by the company to mitigate the effects of mining and port operations to the water resources within its Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) area.  These control measures include the construction of collector sumps along drainages systems to control run-offs, and sediment ponds as final catchment of run-offs overflowing from collector sumps

Agata also installed silt curtains made of geo-textiles and gabion baskets with pebbles to further restrain and filter silt and sediments prior to its final catchment and discharge.  It likewise constructed settling ponds and established other measures to control the adverse effects of siltation and sedimentation along critical bodies of waters.

Protected waters

Aside from maintaining clean and clear waters, Agata ensures the protection of its nearby marine sanctuaries by implementing its Coastal Resource Management Program (CRMP), which monitors the coral relocation site near its private port in Payong-payong.  The program was established to assess the condition of the corals, including reef fish and macrobenthic invertebrates, within the area.

As of the recently conducted Semi-annual Marine Assessment, audit results showed that conditions of corals within the fish sanctuary as well as relocated corals are consistently improving.

Agata’s core philosophy of “Starting it right, keeping the end in mind” is highlighted by the company’s positive impact on water resource management and its overall conservation of the natural environment.  It likewise strengthens its communities through employment and livelihood for their overall sustainability beyond the life of the mine.


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