Agata marks its fifth year in operations with media partners Bombo Radyo and RMN

Butuan City, Agusan del Norte / October 2019 – For the 5th year in a row – also since bringing its operations on-stream in Tubay, Jabonga and Santiago Municipalities of this province – Agata has consistently provided much-needed medicines and medical services to the respective humanitarian missions of its regional media partners, benefiting over 2,000 recipients during this year’s roll-out.

Held annually in capital Butuan City, the Bombo Medico and Radio Mindanao Network (RMN) Medical and Dental Missions jointly reach up to 4,100 people every year.  And after five years of their continued partnership with Agata, both missions have provided care to an estimated 11,600 beneficiaries to date.

Bombo Medico

Marking its founding anniversary in 2019, the nationwide Bombo Medico benefitted more than 1,100 patients in Butuan City alone.  From 7AM onwards, volunteer doctors and dentists provided consultations and extractions for 104 patients while free check-ups and medicines were provided for various patient cases: 205 Internal Medicine, 153 Cardiovascular, 130 Pulmonary, 133 Pediatric, 57 OB-gynecology and 50 ENT.

The mission likewise conducted various tests for its patients: 10 HIV, 55 Prostate Screening, 55 Uric Acid, 55 Cyst screening tests as well as eight (8) cyst operations were conducted on-site during the whole-day activity. Other than the medical services, indigent and physically-disabled patients also received free canes and crutches.

As the mission drew more than 3,000 patients and volunteers, the Agata Emergency Response Team conducted a basic workshop on first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).  The award-winning team is comprised of experienced responders who have been conducting trainings in its communities.

“Agata’s consistent commitment to support Bombo’s nationwide medical mission is a testament to its local and national awards. Their presence as medics and conducting safety demos to young volunteers further opens a brighter side of a responsible mining company to the public,” said Station Manager Benjie Balansag

Butuan City School of Arts and Trades (BCSAT) Teacher Marineil E. Pedrosa, adviser of senior high school student volunteers, also shared that, “It’s a relief that a mining company like Agata extends its presence, teaching us basic first aid… it inspires volunteerism among the young.”

A feeding program for more than 1,000 people, free therapeutic massages and haircuts, and even vaccinations for pets concluded a well-rounded outreach for local beneficiaries.

RMN Medical Mission

Shortly after Bombo’s monumental initiative, RMN also rolled-out its 67th Anniversary Medical Mission, which received over 1,000 beneficiary-patients and for whom it provided more than 500 treatments.  It also served 160 dental patients and provided free physical therapy, haircuts and prescription eyeglasses to a combined 300+ recipients.

To date – and in addition to Agata – RMN continues to receive the strong support of government and socio-civic organizations: Department of Health, Butuan City Health Office, Agusan del Norte Provincial Health Office, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Eagles Club, Philippine Medical Association, and Philippine Dental Association.

Five years and onwards

Since the Agata Nickel Project came on-stream in 2014, the company has positioned itself to join the ranks of major nickel producers in the country. And in attributing its success, the company continues to be guided by its philosophy of “starting it right and keeping the end in mind” – which is an integration of both its business, environmental and social objectives.

Also since then, the company has conducted several medical missions in its mining communities – which provided immediate care, medicines and free consultations to more than 2,700 beneficiaries since 2014.

The Agata Clinic likewise provides free medical check-ups and medicines to its workers and community residents as the company remains a solid partner of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council and the Philippine National Red Cross.


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