USec. Juan Miguel Cuna fully recommends to showcase environmental and social programs

Tubay, Agusan del Norte / August 2019 – Counting over 20 learning visits and familizarization tours in Agata’s mine site in the first half of the year, last month’s DENR Mindanao Cluster “Cross-visit” is probably one of the most significant in terms of high-profile delegates.  And with more than 40 agency personnel headed by department undersecretary Atty. Juan Miguel Cuna and Assistant Secretary Jim O. Sampulna from the central office, it has also been one of the largest delegations received by Agata to date.

The group was comprised of Region 9 to 12 personnel of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) who visited Agata to see first-hand the implementation of the company’s environmental and social programs as well as exchange best practices and success stories.

The visit also included regional directors, provincial and community environment officers, and heads of both the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) and Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) – all co-hosted by DENR Caraga Region Executive Director Atty. Felix S. Alicer.  It is the first time that such a delegation was gathered in one mining project.

“From the presentation and the physical observations that we had, I think we need to showcase this more. There are so many things that can positively happen if a company is determined to ensure that all the stakeholders are properly taken care of,” said USec. Cuna during the tour.

A holistic view

The entourage was greeted by the “touristy” atmosphere of Agata’s mine site.  GM Emilio T. Figueroa, key company officers and admin personnel welcomed the group, including the indigenous Mamanwas who performed their traditional folk dance for the special guests.

“This is a real heart-warming and unique experience in an eco-tourism atmosphere, inspite of being in an active mining operation,” quipped CENRO’s Alejandra Boiser as they took photos of the surrounding landscape.  The also took photos from the Vines View Deck, which provides every visitor a panoramic 180-degree view of Agata’s mining operations set against the backdrop of Tubay’s clear blue shores where the company conducts daily loading operations of nickel ore on 55,000-ton vessels.

The group inspected company facilities that include the different offices, gardens, employees’ accommodations, training room, cooperative canteen and fitness center.  Over lunch, they were provided an ISO protocol orientation on security and safety, followed by a presentation of the company’s Environmental Management Programs, Community’s Socio-economic Programs and testimonies from its Royalty beneficiaries.

In the afternoon, the visitors toured the active mine pits, causeway operations and the final discharge area at the Coastal Resource Management facility. They likewise witnessed the production of silt curtains and silt rafts by the women of Barangay Tinigbasan. The improvised silt curtains and floating rafts serve both as a livelihood program for fisherfolk communities as well as help mitigate siltation.

“This is a source of livelihood for women in our communities.  Not all women can work at the mines but we are given the opportunity to still work and earn,” shared Barangay Tinigbasan’s Margarita Tulay with the delegation.

“We are also committed to do this (weaving) because we know this can help preserve our coastlines.  We still catch fish and our corals are alive because of these,” she concluded.

Mining and Eco-Tourism  

The Agata paradigm on mining and tourism is slowly being realized, beginning with the thematic landscaping approach it has adapted on its rehabilitation program.  To date, several “mine tours” have been conducted in Agata from a minimum of 10 guests to a maximum of 70 – Mining Engineering students from the Caraga State University.

Every visitor tours the flower-rich faculty grounds and lush greenery along its pathways in the rehabilitated areas until they reach the highest point where they capture a rare view of Lake Mainit and Kalinawan River at the Lantawan sa Sidlakan (View at Sunrise).

The Agroland, which is part of the tour, also showcases the company’s main nursery where different endemic species collected from mine operations are preserved in a non-mist cloning propagation facility – all in preparation for eventual final rehabilitation.

“Planting trees in highly lateritic areas is very challenging since mortality is very imminent.  But we utilize endemic species and create organic concoctions to enrich the soil to lower mortality,” shared Forester Januar Ong with the visitors.

It can be done

“The social aspect (of mining) is very important because your affected stakeholders in the area will testify. I am pleased that you are able to guide the IPs to use their money for their education and sustainable livelihood,” said USec. Cuna during the exit conference.

Other DENR officials also shared their testimonites:

“I am much impressed how you (Agata Management) guide the IPs in utilizing their money.  They use it for education and other livelihood.” – DENR Region 10 Exective Director (RED) Arleigh Adorable.

“Just like DENR Secretary Roy Cimatu said, pwede naman pala (it can be done) to have responsible mining.” – MGB Region 12 Representative Annabelle B. Gonzales.

Agata Mining Ventures Inc. is a joint nickel-laterite DSO project of TVI Resource Development Philippines Inc. and MRL Nickel Philippines Inc. operating in the municipalities of Tubay, Santiago and Jabonga in the province of Agusan del Norte.


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