Agata gathers communities to deliver annual ‘State of the Mine’

Tubay, Agusan del Norte, Philippines / January 2018 – Agata believes that communication is key to a harmonious relationship.  “The more we communicate, the better we know each other, the better our chances to move forward and manage the future together.”

In the span of over four years since it brought its nickel operations on-stream in Tubay, Santiago and Jabonga Municipalities of this province, it has gone beyond merely talking about its accomplishments.  It has engaged its communities in a progressive dialogue on what programs have worked so far as well as how to achieve mutual success in the future.

As the year 2018 came to a close, the company saw it fitting to invite neighboring farmers, fisher folks and indigenous peoples within its MPSA and talk shop: employment of men and women from its barangays, livelihood to harness both skills and available natural resources, and future-oriented programs that will sustain the communities well beyond the life of the mine.

The event gathered over 380 barangay council leaders, officers of People’s Organizations and graduates of Agata’s Mabakas Farm School.  They were in good spirits, gamely wearing specially-made Community Day shirts for the occasion while tokens and grocery items were also distributed by the company’s Community Relations personnel – all in the spirit of the season.

Also in the spirit of transparency, Agata’s management team were on board to deliver a year-in-review led by no less than General Manager Emilio T. Figueroa III and department heads who represent respective jurisdictions.

A solid victory

Agata’s adherence to the mining industry’s highest standards and going beyond compliance paved the way for cornering the 2018 Presidential Mineral Industry Environment Award (PMIEA).  It is a victory that it shares with the very community that it serves and through whose cooperation the accolade was made possible.

During the same period, the company’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) likewise bagged the National Fire Brigade Championship while the DENR’s Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) in Caraga commended Agata for having “No negative findings,” which is a first in its history. These and other commendations would not have been possible without the support and cooperation of the community.  And it is Agata’s intention to share this victory with the people – the same people who committed to share the same responsibility.

“Responsible mining is when we improve the lives of the people by protecting the environment.  If we know our communities are safe, we in the mine site can also be safe,” according to GM Figueroa, further inspiring Community Day participants to join every emergency and safety training that are periodically conducted in the mine site.

Since the beginning, the company has undertaken constant consultation with the community in every aspect of safety and health concerns.

“Our responsibility extends further since mining is not forever.  We should also establish sustainable economic opportunities in the future: a thriving business or agricultural livelihood at your backyard or nearby farms,” Figueroa encouraged participants.

A push for organic farming

Highlighting Agata’s Community Day, TESDA Provincial Director Julius Sol O. Jamero led the distribution of the NCII Organic Farming Certificates and awards to Mabakas Techno Demo Farm students as well as plaques of recognition to the best performing barangays.

More than 130 graduates received NCII Training Certificates while the top 20 students each received a live piglet – a symbolic token for venturing into the livestock business. These trainings are expected to have a ‘ripple effect,’ enabling students to share their learnings and assist neighbors in improving their vegetables gardens and cacao farms.

“Holding a TESDA Certificate can bring better things in life.  I deeply appreciate Agata for sharing these opportunities with their stakeholders: food on the table from their gardens, and most of all, a means for employment in agricultural farms and plantations across the country,” Dir. Jamero declared.

Agata transformed a former garbage dump site into the current Mabakas Farm School, which is the only one of its kind in the Caraga Region.  It has produced over 150 graduates to date.

Always planning ahead

“Agata is a community of responsible miners, environmentalists, workers, farmers, fisherfolks and indigenous people that are united together on a great journey that stems from starting it right and keeping the end in sight.  In the future, Agata will be a haven for tourism and training for all the people in its communities – a pride stretching from its ridge to its reefs,” according to Assistant GM Anthony Quijano.

NGO workers, church members and DENR representatives comprise the PMIEA Inspection Team and the Multi-Partite Monitoring Team that inspect Agata’s coastlines.  They have found a thriving marine coral reef with various species beneath its clear waters.

Agata Mining Ventures Inc. is a nickel laterite joint venture project of TVI Resource Development Philippines Inc. and MRL Nickel.  Following its back-to-back awards in 2017 – the PMIEA-Platinum Award in Surface Mining and Best Mining Forest Award (2nd Runner Up) in Metallic Mining – Agata was conferred a Presidential Award in 2018 for advocating the industry’s highest safety and environmental standards.


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