The Multipartite Monitoring Team and Mine Rehabilitation Fund Committee commend Agata for having “no negative findings”

Tubay, Agusan del Norte / October 2018 – Agata Mining Ventures Inc. (AMVI), nickel laterite mining project of TVI Resources Development Inc. (TVIRD) and MRL Nickel Philippines Inc., was recently commended by the DENR’s Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) in Caraga for achieving an “excellent performance” on its environmental activities, in compliance with its Annual Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (AEPEP) and Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC).  The accolade came after the inspection of the Multi-Partite Monitoring Team (MMT) – which the company completed with no negative findings and observations.

According to MGB-13 Regional Director Roger A. De Dios, this is a “first in history commendation.” The citation was given last month at the Gateway Hotel in Surigao City during the regular meeting of the Mine Rehabilitation Fund Committee (MRFC), which is chaired by RD De Dios.

The MRFC is responsible for ensuring that the activities in the approved EPEP and Annual EPEP are implemented by the mining company.  It is chaired by MGB-13 RD with members that include the RD of the region’s Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), representatives from the provincial government, NGOs and civil society groups, among others.

Parallel to this, the Multi-partite Monitoring Team (MMT) is the designated monitoring arm of the MRFC.  It is headed by representatives from MGB-13, EMB-13, the local barangays and host indigenous tribes, among others.

Road to development

As of June 2018, Agata has more than 420 personnel – 80% of whom are from its host and neighboring communities in Barangays Lawigan, Tinigbasan, Tagpangahoy and Binuangan in Tubay Municipality; Barangays E. Morgado, Tagbuyacan and La Paz in Santiago Municipality; and Barangay Colorado in Jabonga Municipality. Its work force includes men and women as well as members of the indigenous Mamanwa and Manobo tribes.

Since bringing its operations on-stream, the company maintained the timely salary and wage disbursement of its personnel.  In addition, its contractors also employ an estimated 600 employees working in Agata.

Meantime, tax payments have been made to both the national and local governments as well as concerned agencies – contributing to the overall development of the country.

Agata believes that “Multiplying the bread is a moral commitment.”  And while the company is driven by this philosophy, the communities are benefitting from increased economic activity and the establishment of bus terminals, DTI Trade Centers and other infrastructure projects such as access roads and improved bridges and waterways.

Safe for people and the environment  

Now at the height of its operations, Agata sustains a high level of performance in environmental management as well as its efforts to ensure the safety and health of its communities as a safeguard for the future.

In order to further ensure safety, Agata established Community Emergency Response Teams (ERTs), which have been recognized by the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office as a “game-changer” and was awarded the Gawad Kalasag National Award. The teams are adequately trained in Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Standard First Aid, Basic Life Support and Mass Casualty Incident Management.

The company also maintains three (3) physicians who provide free medical services to employees, their families and visiting patients from its communities. Constant emergency drills and activities are also conducted for over 200 trained ERT volunteers in the communities.  To date, Agata has almost 15 million safe man hours owing to its stringent measures.

In terms of environmental rehabilitation, more than 230 hectares have been planted with 201,784 seedlings with an 89.09% survival rate.  The Agata Nursery also has almost 400,000 seedlings on stock that the communities and other institutions can use for reforestation activities at any given time.

Environment Manager Jesalyn Guingging explains that “Agata adheres to doing the right thing with the end in mind. This is the effective way to achieve sustainable development.  We already see Agata as an eco-tourism site and retirement hub in the future.  So as early as now, we have aligned our landscaping, facility designs and our mindset.”

In addition to its inland stewardship, Agata maintains its coastline and the thriving marine sanctuaries and relocated coral reefs situated near the shores of Tubay.  The floating silt rafts and curtains installed and maintained in the company’s causeway have been some of its unique practices and is currently being replicated by other mining companies in the region and across the country.

Investing in people  

To date, Agata’s Social Development Management Program (SDMP) has been invested heavily in its communities through sustainable livelihood projects such as organic farming through the Agata-supported Mabakas Techno Demo Farm, the establishment of an agroforestry plantation, poultry and livestock facilities, furniture and handicraft production and fishing equipment.

Aligned to these is Agata’s IP engagement through the Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) that ensures the proper utilization of the Manobo and Mamanwa tribes’ Royalty Share and its transformation into sustainable livelihood projects. The CRDP was co-developed by the tribes, the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) and the company.

From the CRDP, the company has currently generated 11 Cacao Trainers who graduated from Mabakas and are certified by the Department of Agriculture.  It also has more than 130 TESDA-certified Farmers and has established over 150 organic vegetable gardens in local households.

Its SDMP also covers education assistance, which currently supports more than 300 IP students in both high school and elementary.


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