Agata and Philippine National Red Cross jointly conduct fourth Blood Donation Drive

Tubay, Agusan del Norte / May 2018 – In the same spirit of pure volunteerism that drove several successful humanitarian initiatives in past years, dozens of Agata personnel once again responded to the Philippine National Red Cross’ (PNRC) call by participating in this year’s blood donation drive conducted at the company’s field office in Barangay Lawigan, Tubay Municipality of this province.

A joint venture project of MRL Nickel Philippines Inc. and TVI Resource Development Philippines Inc. (TVIRD), Agata Mining Ventures Inc. (AMVI) partnered with the Red Cross’ Butuan City Chapter for the fourth time in a row.  This year’s activity was led by Mr. Teodoro Cario who commended the company’s consistent cooperation.

Agata’s Health and Safety Department staff were all accounted for as they needed to evaluate, screen and collect blood from about 10 volunteers every hour.  Company personnel, its contractors and members of Special Civilian Active Auxiliary (SCAA) where likewise all on deck, contributing a total of 28,800 cc of blood – exceeding last year’s total volume of 22,950 cc.

To date, AMVI’s blood donations to the Red Cross since 2015 have already reached 96,300 cc or equivalent to 25.4 gallons.

Only one in Caraga

“In the past four years, Agata has maintained a strong partnership with the PNRC and our annual blood drive is a manifestation to this. And this year, we surpassed our collection target,” said Senior Safety Officer Aldrin Arieta.

In the previous years, Agata has also collaborated with several organizations in conducting similar activities, most notably with its media partners, Radio Mindanao Network (RMN) and Bombo Radyo – for whom the company consistently supports the yearly Dugong Bombo since 2014.

The delegation of donors from Agata, which sponsored the event in Butuan City, participated in the campaign that generated 4,250 cc of blood from various donors while the nationwide campaign collected over 3.5 million cc of blood.

Agata and Bombo Radyo have been public affairs partners even prior to the mining company’s operations in the region.  To date, both organizations have spearheaded and supported public health and welfare initiatives that have benefitted various publics in Caraga.

In 2016, the PNRC recognized Agata as one of its Outstanding Corporate Supporters for its consistent contribution to its various activities and for being one of the top private companies that has provided the most blood donations.  Agata is the sole mining company in the Caraga region to receive such an award.

Public health is a core advocacy of Agata and is a core component in its Social Development and Management Program (SDMP), which includes the improvement of barangay health centers, increasing medical supplies and providing additional medical equipment for community health centers across its host and neighboring communities in Santiago, Jabonga and Tubay Municipalities.

Do’s and Don’ts, health benefits

As with blood drives everywhere, willing donors were prescribed to be 18 to 60 years old and required to pass the physical and health history assessment in order to ensure that they are fit to donate. Basic requirements include weighing at least 50 kilograms, hemoglobin level of at least 12.5 grams per deciliter (g/dL) for female donors and 13.0 g/dL for male donors, and a healthy blood pressure range: 90-160 systolic and 60-100 diastolic.

Overall, the person must be reasonably healthy before being able to donate blood.  People who had fever in the last 3 weeks prior to blood donation, and as well as those with body tattoos less than one year prior to collection are also not allowed to donate blood.

Finally, donors are also required to have enough rest and sleep and should not consume alcohol or any medication 24 hours prior to blood donation.  They must have also eaten (avoid fatty foods), and properly hydrated before undergoing the process.

A healthy person can donate blood every 112 days, or up to three times a year.  Among the health benefits of regularly donating blood include the stimulation and production of new blood cells that help improve the overall cardiovascular health of the donor. Moreover, donating blood helps screen for blood-borne diseases that the donor may unknowingly have such as Malaria, Hepatitis B and HIV/AIDS.


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