Joint effort of AMVI and coastal communities highlight Ocean Month celebration

Tubay, Agusan del Norte / June 2016 – Tubay Municipality’s Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) representatives once again witnessed the Ocean Month celebration in Agata Mining Ventures Inc. (AMVI) and lauded the company for its ongoing commitment towards responsible mining – a dedication instilled by project proponent and operator, TVI Resources Development Philippines Inc. (TVIRD).  On the same occasion, AMVI opened the Barangay Lawigan Fisher Folks Association’s two-storey community building that the company supported through its Social Development and Management Program (SDMP).

The multi-purpose building situated in the heart of the community has been a long-time request of the organization to house their documents, equipment as well as host meetings and livelihood activities.  The company provided all the necessary construction materials and architectural design while the community collectively contributed their labor into the structure.

On the occasion of this year’s Ocean Month, the edifice will serve as a lasting testimony to the ongoing cooperation between AMVI and the people of Lawigan.

Coastal care

AMVI’s 4,995-hectare Mineral Processing Sharing Agreement (MPSA) area is located in the municipalities of Santiago, Jabonga and Tubay in Agusan del Norte Province. There are two marine sanctuaries situated in Tubay’s coastal barangays Tinigbasan and Lawigan. In those areas, AMVI adopted the entire 10.5-hectare Sitio Payong-payong Marine Sanctuary and another 10-hectare protected area in Lawigan.

Agata’s environmental management team performs technical monitoring, mobilization assistance and maintains two lookout towers in these sanctuaries.  During its Ocean Month celebration last year, AMVI constructed an inland tower house observatory, which was officially formally turned-over by the company to the communities.

The Payong-payong Silt Recovery Project conducted earlier in January this year, another joint cooperation geared towards caring for Tubay’s coastal resources, was initiated in partnership with community organizations, Tinigbasan and Lawigan Fisher Folks Association.  The facility enables joint de-silting efforts – a process that removes silt from the shore and backfills it in a designated pit.

Sustained recognition

AMVI’s coral relocation – a project that has gained recognition for the company’s Coastal Resource Management Program – is monitored through daily ocular inspection and patrolling as well as the installation of floaters and buoy markers around the site to prevent seafarers from inadvertently damaging the corals.  This project and AMVI are recognized by the DENR’s Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and accorded the Outstanding Implementor Award to AMVI being the first mining company to ever undertake the successful relocation of corals.

The agency likewise recognized the company’s exemplary performance in its Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (EPEP) last December 2015.  This was based on an actual joint ocular inspection conducted by the CENRO team headed by Forester Barlou Aparte and DENR Protection and Wildlife Division representative Loi Marie Olaguer during this year’s Ocean Month.

“Efforts to protect the bounty of the seas mirror the dedication of people depending on it, and at the same time, secure the future generations’ harvests. I have long been a witness of the (Lawigan) people’s battles to fight illegal fishing.  The strong dedication of partners like AMVI brings a sustainable legacy for generations to come,” Aparte said.

“We used to dream of protecting the jewels our marine sanctuaries.  We used to dream of someday having a structure that will emerge in the middle of Lawigan’s sanctuary.  We used to pray for everything good for our community.  Now, the dream is finally here – a stronger organization, a tower house observatory and a dedicated Agata team to sustain our realized dreams,” said AMVI Environment Manager Jesalyn Guinguing.


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