Agata Mining backs Tubay’s successful “Pamaskong Pahalipay Para sa mga Kabataan”

Tubay, Agusan del Norte / January 2015 – Acknowledging the welfare of children in its host communities, Agata Mining Ventures Inc. (AMVI) supported “Pamaskong Pahalipay Para sa mga Kabataan 2014” (A Gift of Joy for the Children) – Tubay Municipality’s annual event that brings the festivities of Christmas to the disabled and marginalized.  The affair was held at the Doňa Rosario Gymnasium last December 16 and provided treats and toys to some 390 children aged three to four years old from the 13 barangays of the municipality. It is spearheaded by the Municipal Social Welfare and Development (MSWD) office through the Municipal Council for the Protection of Children (MCPC).

“The municipality of Tubay commends Agata Mining for being a long time partner and donor to our yearly event. The local government of Tubay is proud to have the company as a strong supporter of an admirable cause and we look forward to the continuance of this partnership geared towards the benefit of the less fortunate Tubay-non children,” said Tubay Municipal Mayor Fidel Garcia, who also acknowledged the support of the Department of Education (DepEd).

Social Development

AMVI, a joint venture of TVI Resource Development Philippines Inc. (TVIRD) and MRL Nickel Philippines Inc., operates in the coastal municipality of Tubay and adjacent Jabonga and Santiago in Agusan del Norte.   Led by TVIRD, the joint venture continues to move forward with high iron laterite direct shipping ore (DSO) operations, which will pave the way for the establishment of its nickel processing plant – the first in Agusan del Norte.

Both companies also have established track records for responsive social and environmental programs that contribute to the overall sustainability of its host communities.  AMVI draws confidence from this and continues to engage the community in meaningful activities that promote responsible mining practices.

“AMVI is honored to once again join the local government bringing happiness to the children of Tubay. The company will continue to support this endeavor in years to come,” highlighted Community Relations Superintendent Andre Bon Claraval.

Prior to this, the company also actively engaged its host and neighboring communities in feeding programs and medical missions – all of which are part of the company’s firm commitment to social development.

AMVI joined other organizational sponsors and donors that supported the event, including the provincial government, La Fraternidad Day Care Center, local government units and non-government organizations.   

More Tubay-non Children this year

“AMVI’s participation helped the MSWD to benefit a total of 390 children with disabilities and those belonging to the marginalized class.  Every year, as the number of children who benefit from this event increases, so does the support coming from major sponsors like AMVI,” according to MSWD Officer Ma. Evelita Regis.  The day’s activity included games, dance performances from the children as well as the La Fraternidad Day Care Center Teachers.  

“We are happy to find not only sponsors; but rather, we found strong partners towards social welfare and development,” concluded Regis.


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