Tree planting activity complements TVIRD environment programs

“The tree planting activity is a symbol of our love for our ancestral domain”

This was how Bernardino Anoy, a Pigbogolalan member – described the tree-planting activity conducted by the Subanon Indigenous Peoples of Zamboanga Peninsula during the 14th Indigenous People’s Rights Act (IPRA) Anniversary at Canatuan, Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte.

With the theme, “preservation of our ancestral domain is a way of our survival,” Anoy added, “we plant to preserve trees which shall then be seen and appreciated by our next generations. We also do our part in taking care of the wildlife in our land. We believe that the TVIRD will continue to support us in our endeavours.”

The tree-planting activity of the Subanons complements the reforestration program of the TVI Resource Development (Phils.) Inc. (TVIRD) which has a minerals development project in Canatuan, Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte. To date, more than 230,000 trees have already been planted.

The IPRA or Republic Act 8371 respects all cultures, practices and customs of different tribes all over the Philippines. It recognizes and promotes the rights of IP’s within the framework of national unity and development. The IPRA law also respects different practices on how to develop the lands of the indigenous peoples.

The tree planting, which was participated by the members of Pigbogolalan Nog Subanon Sog Konotuan (the governing council of Subanons in Canatuan) TVIRD employees, non-government organizations and local government units from different municipalities, was the highlight of the celebration. Approximately 4,000 seedlings were planted along the roads going from Candiz to Paduan.

(left) Bernardino Anoy, Pigbogolalan member, OIC head holder and (right) Soliling Onsino Mato. “The tree planting activity we had was the symbol of our love for our ancestral domain here.”

“Swiddening, or slash-and-burn farming, is a traditional practice of the Subanons which should be limited in order to adapt new technology introduced to them for developing their own land,” Kaing Salahuddin, Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer shared. “To avoid environmental depletion, we should manage our land resources well.”

The event was also made possible by the presence of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). Besides providing protection and security to the community, the AFP was also mandated to protect the forest and environment.

“Our coming here is a show of support to the government’s program of preserving nature as well as indigenous culture. The Pigbogolalan (governing organization) of the Subanons in Canatuan is a great aid in maintaining peace and unity in the community,” ILT Mauricio Kilbas (INF) said.

(top) Subanon youth from Canatuan National High School participate in the Gigal Subanon dance contest and emerge winners. The dance contest and the three planting activity, are two major highlights of the IPRA day celebration (middle) The Timuoys of the Seven Rivers convene during the 14th IPRA Day. (bottom) The modern-day Subanon youth are still the hope of the tribe.

(top) Timuoy Noval Lambo, Gulang Gukom of the 7 Rivers, vigorously participates in the tree planting activity together with (middle) the delegates from different municipalities of Zamboanga Peninsula. (bottom) Representatives from Canatuan National High School also joined in.


“As Subanons, we believe that we can always do what other tribes can do. Our rights as IP’s are recognized and respected. Just like Neil Armstrong who was able to set foot on the moon, we can also do the impossible as one tribe,” Soliling Onsino Mato disclosed. (Rianne Miranda)

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