Safety culture deeply ingrained in Canatuan
Now Seban realizes the importance of the safety programs of TVIRD for which his employer, MSKS Trucking Company, is a hauling contractor. He is all praises for TVIRD: “It’s only here in Canatuan do I see workers who are really conscious of safe work practices,” Seban says. “If not for their constant reminders for truck drivers like me to wear PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment) at the mine site, I would have already lost an eyesight.”
Top photo, Michael June Manguerra, TVIRD Canatuan Senior Safety Officer. In middle photo, Manguerra discusses details of Job Hazard Analysis with representatives of different departments. In bottom photo is Dioscorro Seban, who avoided serious eye injury by following TVIRD’s safety practices. If not for their constant reminders for truck drivers like me to wear PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment) at the mine site, I would have already lost an eyesight,” he says.
In Canatuan, TVIRD, spearheaded by its Safety Department, conducts daily “toolbox” meetings or safety pep talks as part of the company’s overall safety practices – a way of underscoring the importance of occupational safety and health both in the workplace and in the community.
“Here we employ measures and implement programs to ensure that our workplace is safe and healthy for our workers and members of our host community,” said Michael Manguerra, Senior Safety Officer. In addition to the daily safety pep talks and monthly department safety meetings, his team also implements a Safety Awareness Program that includes the conduct of safety-training courses every week. “These courses are designed to raise our workforce’s level of awareness on safety. Not only do we remind them to avoid unsafe practices in the workplace on a daily basis, but equally important, we also let them know the reasons why some practices are unsafe,” Manguerra adds.
Rey Carubio, Mill Operations Department Superintendent, welcomes the Safety Department’s new program. “Here in the mill plant, we deal with chemicals and machineries every day. That is why foremost in the minds of our workers is safety in everything we do,” he says.
“So far, we have discussed 6 of 12 training modules on safety awareness,” Manguerra points out. Some 240 employees of both TVIRD and its contractors have participated in these modules since the Safety Awareness Program began last February 26.” The topics range from Incident Investigation, Defensive Driving, Job Hazard Analysis, Personal Protective Equipment, Chemical Safety and Hazard Communication, among others. “Although participation in the training sessions is voluntary and depends on the needs of each department, I am glad that everybody has shown willingness and commitment to attend and learn from our sessions,” he says.
Even members of the community are trained on safety. Photo shows TVIRD Safety Department personnel giving Pigsolubokan residents instructions on firefighting, emergency rescue and evacuation.
The module on Incident Investigation held in April was attended by representatives from Human Resource and Administration, Environment, Civil Engineering Services, and Public Affairs.
“Incident Investigation is quite important because it enables us to analyze what causes an incident and, thus, become more aware how such incidents can be avoided or prevented from recurring,” says Kurt Torres, a Safety Officer.
On the other hand, workers from the Mines, Mill Operations, Mill Maintenance, and Assay departments attended separate sessions on Job Safety Analysis, Working at Heights, and Lock-out/Tag-out and Fall Protection. Moreover, employees from the Mobile/Electrical Section and Civil Engineering Services Department were among the first to learn about Defensive Driving and Electrical Safety.
In top photo, Bronze Balili (center) receives the Safety Hero Award certificate from TVIRD Canatuan GM Ely Valmores as Mines Superintendent Deyn Sandiko beams with pride for the feat of her colleague. Below, from left, Maintenance Department Manager Celestino Panares, Safety Department Manager Art Abad, and Mill Operations Superintendent Rey Carubio are all committed to instilling the culture of safety in Canatuan. “One of the primary reasons why TVIRD earned this distinction (of being the Outstanding Employer awardee) is our unwavering commitment to the best safety practices.

Celestino Panares, OIC Manager of the Mill Maintenance Department, is glad that such sessions are being conducted. His department ensures that the entire plant is in good running condition. “We make no compromises with safety,” he stresses. “That is why take time out to spend 30 minutes every day to discuss safety with our people. Here, everybody strictly adheres to our safety requirements. Nobody is allowed to work without wearing PPEs. I am thankful for the weekend safety training sessions as my men will certainly improve on their safety awareness at work and at home. I will make sure that everybody in my department will go to these sessions.” He oversees a total of 95 workers consisting of carpenters, mechanics, plumbers and welders.
“The weekly safety training program is at the core of our campaign to instill safety awareness among all workers with the end-goal of promoting a safety culture in Canatuan,” said Art Abad, Safety Department Manager, during one of the monthly meetings of the Central Safety Committee.
TVIRD Canatuan General Manager Ely Valmores thanked all departments and contractors for their participation in the company’s safety programs and adherence to safety policies and practices. Hoisting the trophy he recently received in behalf of TVIRD when it was adjudged the Outstanding Employer of Zamboanga del Norte province in early May, Valmores said “one of the primary reasons why our company earned this distinction is our unwavering commitment to the best safety practices. In TVIRD, safety is paramount.”
In top photo, Manguerra teaches Defensive Driving to Mobile Department employees. Below, Mill Maintenance Department personnel in one their daily safety ‘toolbox’ meetings every morning. For them, the daily safety pep talk is one of the most important tasks of the day.

The monthly Central Safety Committee Meeting is also an occasion for the company to recognize its ‘Safety Hero of the Month’. For May, the honor went to Bonifacio “Bronze” Balili, Lead Foreman of the Mines Department. Balili, incidentally, is the one who constantly reminds truck drivers like Seban to be safety conscious. (Joseph Arnel Deliverio)