`Fundamentals of Minerals Development’ draws multi-stakeholder audience

In an effort to bridge the information gap between the burgeoning mining industry and its various stakeholders, the Coalition for Responsible Mining in Mindanao (COREMIN2) launched the first of a series of lecture seminars dubbed “Fundamentals of Minerals Development” (FMD) in Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur last November 24. FMD is an abridged version of the 5-day Mining 101 seminar series being conducted by the University of the Philippines Department of Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering (UP-DMMME), COREMIN2’s partner in the conduct of the FMD along with the Chamber of Mines of the Philippines (COMP).

“FMD seeks to give us a better understanding of the importance of mining in our everyday lives, of how blessed we are as a nation endowed with vast mineral resources, and of how the mining industry operates under the government’s guidance and thrust of promoting responsible mining,” Jessica Lucero, Mines and Geosciences Bureau Director for Region 9, said in her welcome remarks.

Above, FMD Speakers all (clockwise from top left): Artemio Disini, Chairman of the Chamber of Mines of the Philippines (COMP) and Professor at the University of the Philippines — Department of Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Management Engineeting; Nelia Halcon, Executive Vice President of COMP; Rolando Pena, Stratigraphy Committee Chair of the Geological Society of the Philippines; Larry Heradez, Division Chief, Mining Tenements Management, Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Central Office; and Virna Martina Baguio, Senior Science Research Specialist of MGB Region 9. Below, MGB Region 9 Director Jessica Lucero welcomes the participants to the maiden run of the FMD to Pagadian City. At foreground far right is TVIRD Vice President for Social Commitments Renne Subido and to his left is Sagittarius Mines Inc Sub-National Relations Supervisor Joseph Palanca.

Artemio Disini, COMP Chairman and UP-DMMME Professor, led the FMD speakers bureau and subject experts lineup. He was joined by Rolando Pena, Geological Society of the Philippines Stratigraphy Committee Chair; Larry Heradez, MGB Central Office Mining Tenements Management Division Chief; Nelia Halcon, COMP Executive Vice President; Yulo Perez, TVI Resource Development (Phils.), Inc. (TVIRD) Vice President for Philippines Operations; and Virna Martina Baguio, MGB Region 9 Senior Science Research Specialist.

Participants included officials and representatives from the Governor’s Office, Provincial Board, City Government, and the Municipalities of Bayog and Diplahan (of adjacent Zamboanga Sibugay province); as well as indigenous peoples leaders, members of the academe, representatives from the Pagadian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, from national government agencies such as the Trade and Industry, and Education departments; and from mass media outlets.

Zamboanga del Sur Governor Antonio Cerilles also graced the seminar to greet the speakers and guests. He also provided suggestions on how to further improve the seminar for future runs.

Top photo shows TVIRD’s Perez responding to a question from the audience during the open forum. Rene de Ocampo and Yody Marzo, TVIRD Vice President for Human Resources and Director for Organizational Development, respectively, can be seen at far left and second from left) In middle photo, part of the multi-stakeholder participants to the FMD. In bottom photo, Zamboanga del Sur Governor Antonio Cerilles (center, in light blue), a former Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, visits the FMD venue to greet old and new friends from the minerals development industry.

“Through the conduct of a targeted information campaign such as the FMD, we hope to bring about a better understanding and cooperation between and among industry players and stakeholders,” Rocky Dimaculangan, President of COREMIN2 and Public Affairs Director of TVIRD, said.

“This seminar is indeed an excellent way to reach out to those who want to know more about the mining industry,” Halcon said. “Listening to, and addressing the concerns of, stakeholders in a positive manner will undoubtedly change the image of the industry for the better. COREMIN2 should be given all the support it needs to ensure the success of this Information-Education-Communication (IEC) activity.”

Heradez praised COREMIN2 for the IEC initiative: “The Coalition has equipped itself with the appropriate response mechanism to truly address issues and concerns faced by the minerals industry. This is indeed a positive step to truly engage various stakeholders in Mindanao.”

MGB-9’s Virna Baguio shares her experience as Multi-partite Monitoring Team head in TVIRD’s Canatuan Project in Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte.

Disini kicked off the discussion with an Overview, focusing on The Industrial Development of First World Countries, The Philippines’ Mineral Endowment, and The Uses of Minerals/Metals in Daily Living. Pena, on the other hand, talked about Geology, with special attention to The Minerals Found in the Zamboanga Peninsula. For his part, Heradez elaborated on The Basic Framework for Permitting Process, detailing Relevant Provisions of the Mining Act of 1995 and The Roles of Critical Players in the Mining Industry.

In the afternoon sessions, Halcon provided details on the Potential Benefits of Mining, including specific examples on Corporate Social Responsibility Projects within and outside existing mining firms’ Social Development and Management Programs, as well as these firms tax and royalty payments. Perez shared his expertise in Mining and Metallurgy, impressing the audience with his in-depth but easily understandable discussion on the Mining Life Cycle and the Different Methods of Mining and Mineral Processing. Finally, Baguio provided a comprehensive lecture on Environmental Management and Protection, with special emphasis on Tailings Management, Water Management and Quality Monitoring, Soil Loss and Erosion Control, Progressive Rehabilitation and Reforestation, and Mine Closure Plan.

“The topics covered by the seminar were a good introduction on responsible mining as they dealt with social and environmental concerns as well as with technical aspects of minerals development, which our stakeholders found interesting,” Pena said. “This seminar could also benefit other mining companies outside the Zamboanga Peninsula.”

The FMD resource speakers flash the “C” (for COREMIN2) sign with Coalition President and TVIRD Director for Public Affairs Rocky Dimaculangan (extreme right).

Perez, agreed: “FMD proved to be a good step towards the attainment of COREMIN2’s objective of promoting responsible mining. Information is one of the obvious gaps that need to be bridged with stakeholders. By reaching out to communities through activities like this, there will undoubtedly be a better appreciation of the benefits of mining in everybody’s lives.”

“The speakers were very knowledgeable with the topics,” wrote one seminar participant on a post-session survey form. “They took pains to make their audience comprehend the topics, even though some of the topics were highly technical in nature.”

“The seminar is very good,” wrote another participant. “The speakers used effective visual aids and examples that made their discussions quite interesting and enlightening.”

Bayog Vice Mayor Romualdo Godin said the FMD made him understand what responsible mining really means, but still expressed apprehensions on how things will work out when actual mining operations commence in Balabag, a Bayog district where TVIRD is currently undertaking exploration work.

Lucero (fourth from right) is flanked by COREMIN2 officials and members. From left, Ramil Mundo of Philex Gold Philippines, Inc.; Lito Mendoza of Perfect World Metal Mining Corporation; Joana Tiglao of TVIRD; Elvie Tan of RS Tan Industrial Sand and Gravel; Miguel Guzman of Apex Mining Company, Inc.; Romeo Fernando of 168 Ferrum Pacific Mining Corporation; and Dimaculangan of TVIRD.

Councilor Antonio Ocariza, a Bayog councilor, on the other hand, said his initial apprehensions with large-scale mining were somehow appeased. The anti-mining advocate said FMD made him believe that mining can be done responsibly. Now, he added, he sees how important the mining industry is.

“The advocacy of responsible mining is a shared responsibility,” Lucero added. “While the mining companies commit to the conduct of responsible mining activities, and we in the government make sure that responsible mining principles are being adhered to, you, the participants, who are present here today, likewise share the responsibility of being our watchdogs and, at the same time, our partners in advocating and promoting responsible mining.”
COREMIN2 is composed of 168 Ferrum Pacific Mining Corporation; Apex Mining Company, Inc.; Perfect World Metal Mining Corporation; Sagittarius Mines, Inc.; Philex Gold Philippines, Inc.; TVIRD; as well as Industrial Sand and Gravel permit-holders J. Cybayog Aggregates Supply; Montano Construction & Development Corporation; R. S. Tan; and Sindangan River Sand, Gravel and Concrete Products.

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