Inspired by firm’s perseverance and focus, TVIRD employee passes chemistry board exams

Vergil Dagayday’s success story can be compared to a moment that was perfectly captured in a beautiful photo — one that was taken at the right angle and at the right time. He prepared himself well; he strived and patiently waited for his time to come. Now, at a young age of 25, he is one of the youngest licensed chemists working at the Assay Department of TVI Resource Development (Phils.) Inc. (TVIRD), which operates a copper-zinc mine in Canatuan in Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte.

Vergil Dagayday at work. “I won’t be surprised if TVIRD will grow bigger and reach greater heights,” he says.

Coming from a poor family, Vergil then never thought he would be able to finish college, much more become a licensed chemist. His father, a butcher, could hardly support the needs of the family. Among the five siblings, he was the only one who set foot in college.

Vergil took up a Chemistry degree at the state-owned Central Mindanao University (CMU) in his hometown of Valencia City in Bukidnon following the advice of friends who said chemists are paid well. All that Vergil wanted was to finish schooling and help his family. When he found it difficult to pay the P700.00 (around US $15.00) tuition fee per semester, he applied for a scholarship at CMU and was readily accepted because of his good grades.

Vergil did not waste this opportunity by studying hard. He also took odd jobs to earn some money. Nevertheless, he still found time to help his father every morning at the slaughterhouse. “That’s why whenever I went to my classes, I made sure that I sat at the farthest end of the classroom because I didn’t want my classmates to smell that particular odor of fresh meat that my body emitted,” he recalls with a hearty laugh.

Vergil, seated right, and friends pose in front of the TVIRD Canatuan Mill Plant. “When he announced he will take the board examinations this year we encouraged him and provided moral support,” says Wilhelmina Salvatus, Assay Superintendent and Vergil’s immediate superior, who is impressed with his enthusiasm at work and eagerness to learn.

Despite his success, Vergil remains humble and friendly, a trait that reflects his beginnings and his struggles to achieve a dream of a better life for his family.
He graduated in the summer of 2007 and felt the urgent need to find a good job because his father would soon retire. He tried his luck working as a quality control officer, as a merchandiser, and even as a forensic chemist in the police force. Much as he wanted to become a licensed chemist then, his meager salary was not enough to pay for the review and examination.

Then, unexpectedly, TVIRD had a job opening that suited his qualification. Vergil applied and was accepted. As the job required that he stay at the mine site in the mountains, he initially felt lonely because he was used to the busy life in the city. But then he thought that there must be a purpose for his posting at Canatuan.

“For almost three years, I’d been waiting for the right time to pursue my dream of becoming a licensed chemist,” he relates. “At TVIRD, the work environment and the ambience are simply perfect to apply and practice what I learned in school. I found time to study and review so I can take the board examinations and earn my license. Things just fell in the right places and all I did was to do my work and study the rest of the day. Besides, I didn’t worry much anymore about sending money to my family as my take home pay is good,” he says.

View of the TVIRD housing facility at the mine site where Vergil and his fellow employees stay. This is where he reviewed for the government licensure examinations he recently passed. “The serene environment is conducive for learning. It is very quiet and the trees provide that cool mountain breeze. The only sounds that you can hear are the chirping of birds, shrills of crickets and the faint distant hum of the power generator sets,” he says.

At the Sulphide Plant, his work at the Process Control Analysis section is challenging and Vergil is always eager to learn. His Department operates under the highest of standards and ran by competent people. His colleagues and superiors were the top notchers in their respective classes — the cream of the crop — and it was from them where he drew his inspiration and moral support.

Wilhelmina Salvatus, Assay Superintendent and Vergil’s immediate superior, is impressed with his enthusiasm at work and eagerness to learn. “That is why when he announced he will take the board examinations this year we encouraged him and provided moral support,” Salvatus says. She told Vergil that it won’t be difficult for him to pass the examinations because his work was all about Chemistry anyway.

After office work, Vergil would simply stay in his room to study. His living quarters, located some 500 feet above sea level, sit at the top of a hill which not only offers a breathtaking view of the lowlands but is also an ideal place to study. The place is surrounded with thick forests and lush vegetation, something that TVIRD has been maintaining and nurturing since it started operations here in mid-2004.

“The serene environment is conducive for learning. It is very quiet and the trees provide that cool mountain breeze. The only sounds that you can hear are the chirping of birds, shrills of crickets and the faint distant hum of the power generator sets,” he says.

Vergil recalls that before taking the examinations he made sure he prayed hard and studied harder. “There were times that I was tempted to play because the mine camp has a Clubhouse where co-workers relaxed after a hard day’s work. There is videoke, as well as facilities for sports like badminton, basketball, or for working out in the gym. I didn’t use any of those facilities because I wanted to focus on my studies.”

Vergil took the board examinations without going through a review school since he did not want to stop working and continue sending money to his family.

Last September 10 was a very memorable day for him. The result of the board examination was released by the government’s Professional Regulation Commission. Only half of the 603 examinees made it. He was one of them.

Vergil is profuse in his thanks to TVIRD for the opportunity given to him to work and to practice his profession. He appreciates the company’s programs for its employees, community and the environment.

“I won’t be surprised if TVIRD will grow bigger and reach greater heights,” he says. “The support of the community and employees are unwavering. Company management always aims for operational excellence while at the same time provides employees the opportunity to excel in their fields of expertise. I will always remember what TVIRD has done to me. I will share this experience to my children and grandchildren. I will tell them that it pays to always persevere and stay focused. My life in Canatuan reflects what TVIRD has been doing: always persevering, focused and steadfast in its commitments to the people who have a stake in the company. In my case, those who matter to my life.” (Joseph Arnel Deliverio)

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