TVIRD hoop tourneys help promote teamwork and camaraderie among employees

An athleticism that runs in the blood and an enviable height have always worked for Junjun Saundang. In the two basketball tournaments that TVI Resource Development Philippines, Inc. (TVIRD) sponsored for its Canatuan Operations employees last year, Saundang was named Most Valuable Player on both occasions. And he did so exemplifying the virtues of camaraderie and teamwork that TVIRD sought for in hosting those tournaments.

Above, Junjun Saundang (tallest man at center) and Team Operations, with Mill Manager Popoy Laspinas (far right) – reignining TVIRD Canatuan Inter-Department Basketball Tournament Champions. Below, Mark Dolendo, star player of Team CRES, at the keyhole area for a free throw. The tournament was a resounding success.

Standing 5 feet 8 inches – four inches taller than the average height of men in the Subanon indigenous tribe where he belongs – Saundang led Team Operations in beating Team Defenders 116-95 during the final match of the TVIRD Inter-Department Basketball Tournament at the company’s Canatuan Project site in the mountains of Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte. Like in the earlier Summer Inter-Color Cup that featured teams composed of a merry-mix of players from different departments, the Inter-Department championship game was the most awaited, most attended, and most exciting contest in the tournament.

“These were the reasons why most of us in the neighborhood watched the championship game,” Priscilla Hamoy, 20, also a Subanon, says. A basketball fanatic like most everybody in basketball-crazy Philippines, she believes that sporting events like this bring TVIRD and its employees, majority of whom are Subanons, closer as these events encourage teamwork to be able to win games. “The tournament also enhanced their health and well-being because basketball is a high-impact form of exercise for employees,” she adds. “The game is very entertaining and a real source of enjoyment for us. Oh my! They played like real professionals, like the players I see on television!”

In top photo, Team Operations (left row) prepare to square off with Team Defenders (right row) with a prayer. Middle photo shows members of the Labor-Management Council who helped TVIRD Canatuan’s Human Resources and Administration personnel plan, organize and implement the tournment. In bottom photo, the spectators, composed of TVIRD employees and members of the Canatuan community cheer for their teams during the final game won by Team Operations. Events like this bring TVIRD and its employees, majority of whom are Subanons, closer.

Cyril Baylosis, TVIRD Canatuan Human Resources and Administration (HRA) Manager, says the tournament was really meant to enhance camaraderie and teamwork of all employees in the mine site. “Friendship is developed among our employees as they bond during practices and at the games,” he explains. “Even those who are not part of the teams get to strengthen their ties and sense of belonging when they cheer for their teams.”

Members of the Labor Management Council (LMC) who also acted as members of the tournament organizing committee, were visibly pleased with the outcome. “I enjoyed watching our fellow employees and their families enjoying themselves,” says Felix Sumicad.

Melbi Limpuson, another LMC member and chair of the committee, agrees: “Sports tournaments, no doubt about it, boost employee morale. They give you a sense of fulfillment when you are part of a team, especially if it’s a winning team. If your team loses, at least you are content with the thought that you were part of something worthwhile.”

Above, Team CRES players (in orange) and their counterparts in Team D’ Analyzers (in red) are presented to the crowd prior to their match for third spot. Below, Team Electromovers.

Mill Manager Germidas “Popoy” Laspinas congratulated Team Operations “for a job well done” even as he reminded the players to keep burning the spirit that catapulted their team to the championship game. “We would not have achieved our goal without teamwork and discipline. Keep that spirit burning; keep the passion to win burning!”

Laspinas, along with Mill Superintendent and manager of Team Operations Rey Carubio, treated their boys to a victory party after they were declared champion and Saundang as MVP for the season.

“I believe we have achieved our objectives that we sought when we were planning for this tournament,” Baylosis adds. “Aside from enhancing camaraderie and teamwork, we wanted our employees to appreciate the skills and talents of their co-workers, to maintain a balanced work and family life, and to develop a healthy lifestyle here in Canatuan. Judging from persistent requests for another tournament, the Inter-Department competition can be declared a resounding success.”

Clockwise from top: Team Quadrant Powers (composed of employees from Human Resources and Administration, Finance, Mine Site Management, and Public Affairs); Priscilla Hamoy, Subanon basketball fan; intensity of the game reflected on the faces of spectators; Popoy Lapinas egging the players to “keep the passion to win burning” on and off the court.

Baylosis thanked the Canatuan Management team led by Acting General Manager Ely Valmores and TVIRD Vice President for Philippine Operations Yulo Perez for supporting the project. Both attended the awards night as presenters. Baylosis also expressed his appreciation to officers and members of the HRA staff led by Superintendent Rhoda Francisco and Camp Supervisor Ember Impang, as well as the LMC for their cooperation. “The LMC was with me from the inception of the tournament until the last buzzer of the championship game,” Baylosis says.

“We also acknowledge the support of the Maintenance Department, especially the team of Engineer Jun Hingo who made our basketball court safe for our players; of our Clinic staff who provided the standby first aid staff members; as well as of members of our Security Force Department.”

Other tournament participants who were acknowledged during the closing ceremonies were: Team Defenders (composed of Security Force Department personnel), first runner-up; and Team D’ Analyzers (employees from the Metallurgical and ASSAY Laboratory as well as Concentrate Management Department), second runner-up. Jocelyn Molina of the combined Community Relations and Development Office and the Civil Engineering Services unit (Team CRES) was adjudged Best Muse.

Jocelyn Molina of Team CRES is crowned Best Muse by TVIRD Canatuan Mine Manager Pete Remoto as HRAD Manager Cyril Baylosis (far right) looks on. “I believe we have achieved our objectives that we sought when we were planning for this tournament,” Baylosis says.

Saundang, a father of two, is a son of tribal leader Servando, himself a star basketball player in his younger years. Junjun, for his part, was a regional hoop athlete during his high school days, and has carried the qualities required of a player in the sport in the performance of his duties in TVIRD Canatuan’s Mill Department.

“I learned a lot of things during the games. They helped emphasize my self worth and that of my co-workers,” Junjun shares. I am a Subanon who did not even finish high school, but now I know, thanks to tournaments like the one that we just concluded, that I can help contribute to the attainment of company goals. I put more value now on teamwork and on appreciating the skills and talents of my co-workers. We won the championship because we supported each other. I got the MVP title because my team was behind me all he way.” (Lullie Micabalo)

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