Construction of Canatuan Zinc Circuit begins ahead of schedule

TVI Resource Development (Phils.), Inc. (TVIRD) has begun construction of an additional flotation circuit to process zinc ore at the company’s Canatuan Mine in Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte, in the Southern Philippines.

“As we mine through the copper rich portion of the ore body and start getting into the copper-zinc zone as expected, the ability to separate and monetize the zinc will result in additional revenue” said Cliff James, TVIRD CEO. “This will allow us to further accelerate two key target areas of our growth strategy, which include exploration and development activities at Canatuan and Balabag, and exploration projects at Tamarok.”

Three months ahead of schedule, construction of the Zinc Circuit began on October 28, 2009, and is expected to be fully operational by late April 2010. Copper concentrate production will continue at a rate of approximately 5,000 tonnes per month while the zinc circuit is designed to produce approximately 1,000 tonnes per month of zinc concentrate. Off-take arrangements for the zinc concentrate are currently being negotiated.

Above, additional ball mill foundation works started alongside the operating ball mill number 2. Ongoing zinc filter press foundation work. Below, Copper filter press and Cu concentrate storage warehouse can be seen in the background.

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