Our Headline News feature (which features new stories about our project, updated on a regular basis) has replaced the top-level link to the Social and Environmental Review, Q1 2005, in which we review the wide-ranging social and economic benefits of the Canatuan Project, and we respond to the concerns and issues raised by interested parties around the world. All our initial material is still on the site, and will be expanded as the project progresses.For the Social and Environmental Review, Q1 2005, please click on the following links:

The Whys and Wherefores: TVI President Cliff James introduces the Review, and explains that the company takes seriously all concerns raised by stakeholders and critics alike, no matter how unfounded in fact. Read Cliff James’ Introduction…

Benefits from the Project: We chronicle the key benefits to the Economy, to the Environment and to the Community, and in particular, to the Indigenous People of the Ancestral Domain in Canatuan. View our Summary.

Presenting the Facts: We provide a compendium of documents establishing the facts… and replying in detail to the repeated accusations disseminated internationally on the internet and in the media by mining opponents, and locally by small-scale mining interests. View the documents dealing with the issues, one by one…

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